Top Skills of a Mobile Testing Professional
Mobile app testing is essential for determining an application’s stability, scalability, and performance. It entails testing of apps and websites that cater to mobile users and ensures a seamless experience. This could include native or hybrid apps as well as mobile-friendly web pages. Furthermore, it allows businesses to create apps that can perform perfectly across a variety of platforms.
There are a variety of elements that could influence how the app is used. Some of the things that testers would have to think about are as follows:
User Experience: User experience testing is a method of evaluating a product or a specific UX element that is used during the design phase. UX testing gives you crucial information about how your customers interact with your product. The components must be intuitive, easily accessible, and desirable, without compromising the application’s functionality.
Resource utilization: When doing a performance test, resource utilization is a means to track how busy various resources of a computer system are.
Memory Consumption: When testing an app, make sure to look at how much memory it uses. The memory consumption of the program grows as specific functionalities are implemented. When push notifications are enabled in Android apps, for example, memory usage increases. In some circumstances, memory utilization by the entire operating system is only 14%, while a new app consumes 11%. As a result, these issues must be addressed before the software is released to the public or given to a client.
Interruption Handling: Interruption testing is a subset of mobile application testing that examines how an app responds to interruptions and resumes its previous state.
The interruption takes precedence, and the program is pushed to the side. After the interruption, it retains control. A phone call that you receive while reading a digital book, for example. When the user answers the phone, the digital book reading app waits till the call is finished before continuing.
If your device connects to a network connection that becomes available. Furthermore, no alert or call to action is required when you plug your smartphone in to charge. It will most likely complete its task as you continue to use your application. Messages about app updates are the same way. Before proceeding, you must either Cancel or Accept the modifications. Another instance is the low battery indicator, which gives you the option of continuing as usual or switching to a low-power mode.
Cross hardware/software compatibility: When testing a mobile app, it is necessary to test it on a variety of devices. It’s possible that an app runs smoothly on one device but not on another. We can test the app on various operating systems. Similarly, the program should be tested on various RAM and processor configurations too.
Network testing: Problems with connectionless networks or pack switch networks generate jitters or delays in receiving information over a network. Your mobile app should be structured to handle delays by sending an appropriate notification with a message instructing the user to try again or simply wait for the system to respond as a best practice.
Packet loss occurs when data flowing across networks fails to reach its intended destination. Packet loss, for example, might degrade the streaming quality of a video or gaming application by producing latency and blurring. While the streaming will continue to function, there will be delays and a reduction in quality. Buffering is used by top applications like Netflix to deal with packet loss.
Every application should be tested on multiple networks and speeds, such as 2G, 3G, and 4G. When switching networks, it’s also crucial to keep an eye on how your apps act; frequent errors might cause the app to become unresponsive. While Wi-Fi connects you to the internet through your router, cellular data connects you to the internet through your phone’s cellular signal. Wi-Fi and cellular internet are similar in that they both allow you to connect to the internet wirelessly. When verifying sensitive information, for example, utilizing public Wi-Fi is not a good idea. Using cellular internet instead is a good option.
What are the advantages of test automation for the software testing industry?
- Automated testing helps to speed up the testing process.
- Automation testing can cut the time it takes to perform repeated tests in half, saving both time and money.
- Automation testing improves software quality by increasing the depth and scope of tests, as well as the test coverage of application components.
- For each frequent update in the software, the automated test scripts can be reused several times.
- The rapid adoption of agile methods throughout software development sectors has been aided by the replacement of manual testing techniques by automation testing.
Let’s now take a look at the top skills for a mobile testing professional
Skills the mobile testing professionals should posses
The tester’s job is varied and comprehensive. There are various approaches and tools a tester can learn and employ to better their testing strategy in order to avoid drowning in the flood of information and be most effective. We’ll look at a variety of tools that can help you improve your mobile testing in the sections below:
Capable of assessing and mitigating risk: A mitigation plan for hazards encountered during the testing phase should be kept on hand by an automation tester. Testers must keep an eye on the test execution process and report any discrepancies in application behavior to the developers and stakeholders as soon as possible.
Interested in learning about new technologies and trends: The automation tester should understand the fundamentals of automation so that he knows the how, what, and the why of automation. To be able to give an efficient product to the consumer, one must continue to improve and upgrade their abilities.
Experience in agile, DevOps, and continuous delivery: An automation tester must automate the testing process and configure it to execute automatically after the deployment is completed in a tested environment in order to achieve acceptable speed and agility. There are several test automation and continuous integration tools that can assist in achieving the integration. As a result, the automation tester should be knowledgeable about the use of these integration technologies.
Knowledge of how to write test scripts: The automation tester should create test cases with the goal of saving time and effort throughout both the test preparation and execution processes. If a company relies on automated technologies like UFT (Unified Functional Tester) or QTP (Quick Test Professional), automation testers should be able to program. An automation tester should be familiar with programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, and Vb script, which are commonly used in today’s automated test solutions.
Analytical thinking: A knack for analytics and logical application of concepts is crucial for an automation tester. Following the delivery of the business requirement document, the automation testing team should concentrate on thoroughly understanding every aspect of the feature from an automation standpoint.
In addition to the above-mentioned, a tester should always be eager to learn and upgrade his/her skills, have curiosity to understand the process at all levels, be a team player, and work with a unified goal of improving the quality of the software for just better, but the best.